Cacao Boom • 카카오봄
I visited Cacao Boom (카카오봄) with Soo Zee last spring after one of our usual catch up dinner. This place is apparently one of her favorite gelato place in Hongdae (홍대) and since I don't drink coffee and never been here before, she thought this would be a prefect place for us to get dessert. The weather outside was a little bit chilly for me so I ordered their hot chocolate. It was delicious. Not too sweet, perfect temperature and it even came with side of a leaf-shaped chocolate bites. Soo Zee on the other hand, despite of the chilly weather outside, already had her heart set on ordering their chocolate gelato even before we reached this place. And so she did and according to her review, it tasted really good. Don't believe me? Watch the clip here or go try their gelato and see for yourself ;)
By the way, if you haven't already known, my friends Soo Zee and Leigh, who make videos on Youtube for their channel DoStuff, actually also have a food account called TasteStuff on Instagram that is filled with awesome food spots. They've taken me to so many different places that have tasty and excellent food and some of those places have become my favorite spots too. If you're looking for some legit places to eat in Seoul (and sometimes outside Seoul), go give this account a follow!
p.s: They also just recently post their thoughts on Cacao Boom's chocolate gelato.
Cacao Boom (카카오봄)
Address: 서울특별시 마포구 와우산로27길 6
Telephone: 02-3141-4663
Hours: 11:00 - 22:00
Instagram: @cacaoboom